
Let's Rewrite Your Life Today!

Here's How to Birth Joy : Interview with Soon Yean & The Power of Little Seeds!

Published 3 months ago • 4 min read

Edition #34

Welcome to "Write Your Life Forward"!

Are you here for the first time? Come on in, my Friend! We are a community of friends who aspire to see change, get unstuck, and write our lives forward. We do that by helping you study your life's story in the light of God's love story! Welcome to our cyber corner!

Hi Friend,

I trust this email finds you and your family well!

During our last Bible Study catch-up, the girls and I delved into the nitty-gritty of what it takes to keep stress at bay and infuse more joy into our lives.

Because honestly, a bit more laughter at home can work wonders, right? And the struggles of daily life — they can be seriously tough, can't they?

We all have our battles, those silent struggles we all face. It can get lonely sometimes, and you might find yourself feeling downright discouraged.

And you know what discouragement does?

It creeps in, making us walk in fear rather than faith. Soon, we start questioning the very things we do, even if they are good things.

Ever felt discouraged about what you're doing, wondering if your efforts, whether at work, in ministry, or for your family, bears much fruit?

I've been there, too.

But today, I stand as a changed person.

It all started when someone decided to water the little seed of faith in me. And he did it through his simple act of obedience to the Lord.

I dount he knew where his act of obedience would lead him today.

And I don't think he ever knew if those seeds he sowed would ever sprout into bigger stories.

Soon Yean may not have known it then, but heaven knows he was planting seeds that would grow into more significant stories today.

Because, really --- how do you know what impact you'll have on the person you meet today?

Or on the little lives under your roof that you pour your heart daily into? Or the kids at school you wave crazily at as you drive by? Or the random friendships you struck up by going out of your way to say hi and connect?

You see, I was just a lost teen, landing in a foreign land, carrying the weight of inner struggles and pain.

Little did I know that Soon Yean’s obedience to saying a 1000 yes to God; from picking us up and chauffeuring us around to sports and church to spending his dollar buying us meals — these seemingly ordinary (and perhaps random) acts of service — would change the course of my life forever.

I reunited with Soon Yean after a good 25 years when we were all at different places in life. But I’ve often wondered if he knew how his seemingly fruitless act back then is bearing abundant fruits in my life today.

You see, God has a story, and your story is a part of it.

And your story changes the moment you begin living fully right where you are.

Don't hold back from following God with all your joy even when it feels like you've only got a handful of seeds in your hands.

Today, Soon Yean leads an investment team of an international hospitality company, making significant decisions for sourcing, evaluating, and executing acquisition and divestment transactions. He brings so much insight and wisdom from various senior positions, but some 30 years ago? --- He was just faithfully tending to a group of pimply teenagers, spending weekends driving us around, cycling along the beach, leading us in songs and prayers while waiting on God for a wife and at times falling asleep in his cubicle due to an overly busy church weekend!

Simply speaking, he was just taking one practical step at a time, trusting that God would work all things out in His good time.

And this is where it really gets me ---

Joy is birthed by noticing and nurturing those little seeds in your hands, and following the Lord in the seemingly small places of your life.

These small, positive actions, done in faith can have a massive impact on the world today.

Friend, how do you view the little season of your life?

Are you growing discouraged at times not knowing if they are going to ever make a difference?

Would you dare believe that God can transform your ordinary moments into an extraordinary call for your life?

If so, join me in this personal episode with Soon Yean, the man God used to shape my faith when I was just a little seed in his life!

video preview

In this episode, we chatted about the motivations behind his seemingly small act, what he has discovered on this journey since, and where God has led him today.

Stick around till when our conversation pivots to the corporate world, and soak in my friend's wisdom about self-actualisation versus Christ-validation!

If you’ve ever felt hidden, unseen, and forgotten, and are about to throw in the towel of discouragement, this episode is for you!

Remember, every little seed you sow today is seen by God, and in due time, He will water those seeds and make them sprout.

So my Friend, don't give up! Don’t allow discouragement to seep right in. May you be blessed in your day today!

x Liza

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