
Let's Rewrite Your Life Today!

How to Live Light and Free Despite Your Challenges

Published 4 months ago • 2 min read

Edition #32

Welcome to "Write Your Life Forward"!

Are you here for the first time? Come on in, my Friend! We are a community of friends who aspire to see change, get unstuck, and write our lives forward. We do that by helping you write your life story in the light of God's love story! Welcome to our 2024 edition!

Hi, Friend!

When Did You Last Laugh?

I mean, truly truly laughed?

Like the deep belly roll-on-the-ground kind of laughter that reverberates from within because you're truly free?

Well, research suggests that children laugh up to 300 times per day, whereas adults chuckle an average of 17.5 times only!

I'm really hoping to beat that record, because to be honest, I have had to learn it the hard way.

After a series of break outs with random rashes throughout the years, I am now trying to listen to my body if something is off-kilter, and I am learning the importance of rest in the hustle culture we all find ourselves today.

Read here for more of my story!

Refuse Anxiety in A Hustle Culture

Have you tried this really cool exercise? Whenever you feel tired, frustrated, bored, or out of your wits, try walking into the woods.

Here's what I do:

I make sure no one is looking at me, and then I pick up some rustic leaves, throw them up into the air like a little girl, and play catch while giggling like crazy before they fall back onto the ground. It really is magical! And I promise, it is one of the best forms of therapy!

Laughter is the face of faith because “you have as much laughter as you have faith” (Martin Luther).

Stretch Your Jaws Wide and Laugh!

Anxiety often contorts us into pretzels of emotions, but joy is our arsenal to strength and power!

Because honestly, the way of faith isn't necessarily shuffling and shoving, hustling and jockeying the way the world promotes success to be, but an invitation to live rooted and grounded in Christ.

Guess how I knew it!

I mean I’ve balked, barked, and butted heads, stubbornly said no, overreacted and made mountains of molehills, frowned more than I have had faith, stressed more than slept --- but what I am slowly learning is that promises of God happen in our lives by the grace of God alone and His grace works best when we are empty!

So with that, let's make 2024 our year of laughter!


There is more than enough grace for our worst days and greater help in our lowest falls —-

We can laugh because we have One who has won it all!

He who laughs last wins!

Together, let's compile funny jokes, practice stretching our jaws wide, loosen ourselves up, and let's laugh harder, love stronger and live our lives better!

It's true:

"The reason angels can fly is because they take themselves lightly" - G.K. Chesterton.

Hohoho, to a merry year!

xx Liza

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Let's Rewrite Your Life Today!


Welcome! So glad you're here! I'm here to serve and help your heart and home flourish. Let's get unstuck by finding your story in God's story one single step at a time!

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