What's Your Story? Let's Write Your Life Forward!

Edition #42

Write Your Life Forward

Are you here for the first time? Come on in, my Friend! We are a community aspiring to see change, get unstuck, and write our lives forward. We do that by studying our life stories in the light of God's love story. A change in narrative and a shift in perspective can go a long & very beautiful way.

Hello, Friend. I'm so glad you are joining me here in Write Your Life Forward.

Life can feel like a never-ending hamster wheel, but I'm so happy we get to connect here in this space.

Writing Your Story

Life often distracts us from the big picture, making us focus on minor issues. Yet, when we slow down, we see the wisdom in King David's words:

“GOD rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes.” (2 Samuel 22:25 MSG)

Understanding life's challenges means discovering God's story within our own, and finding a different narrative than what we first believed.

When I think of my life, I distinctly remember how knowing a God working through history and into my story gives me the hope that there is still a greater story yet to be written.

In the therapy room with my clients, I also realise that how they respond to their struggles today will determine the story they will write one day.

When you think about your life, what story stands out to you the most?

Recognising Your Dominant Story

We all have a story, with parts we are proud of, parts we regret, parts that bring shame and parts we wish have never happened. But we must reflect on our past in order to live towards a new future.

Our story doesn't have to be perfect, but it must be intact. Even the hard seasons and the struggles we face have value when we find their biblical basis --- when we understand God's purpose through it all. And this my friend, is redemptive. It will be our story worth telling one day!

Staying in God's Story

Writing God's story into our own lives transforms our trajectory. I've lived it and seen it. In the place of loss, God provides love, and where there's pain, He gives peace and purpose.

As an exercise, why not take a little journal and write this precious promise personalising it with your name:

"Surely He took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by Him and afflicted"

(Isaiah 53:4)

And then live believing this:

Christ was crucified for me, and there is now no more condemnation for me.

That's it, my Friend. God loves us so much that He would, and did, everything possible to bring us back to Him!

Quick Parenting Tip

Helping your child deal with negative emotions starts by connecting with their feelings before offering any logical solutions.

Both the emotional (right brain) and analytical (left brain) sides of the brain need to work together for good mental health.

For example, if your child is very scared, simply giving logical advice won't help because it ignores their emotions. Instead, comfort and assure them first. This helps them manage their feelings, emotionally regulate, builds trust and connection and makes them receptive to instruction.

Also, try not to label your children based on their behaviour, whether it's good or bad. Describe the behaviour, but don't define them by it. Showing unconditional love regardless of your child's actions is truly parenting with Love and Limit - and, yes, it's often harder than said.

Ladies of Latte

Our live get-together for the Mamas at our local school is growing. A poll revealed that we have two groups of women who can attend, but on different days. We are praying and planning to create a second group that meets on a different day. Our goal is to provide a space for our Mamas to reconnect, replenish, and reposition themselves for the life God has called them to live. Watch this space for upcoming info!

So thank you Friend, for journeying together with us. We are right here with you -- and together we can share the relief of grace.

May you have a lovely week ahead,

x Liza

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Hello From Our Community

Our community exists to encourage, equip, and empower you to live your best life forward by helping you write your life story in the light of God's story. Come join us as we sprinkle in plenty of laughter along the way too!

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Let's Rewrite Your Life Today!

Welcome! So glad you're here! I'm here to serve and help your heart and home flourish. Let's get unstuck by finding your story in God's story one single step at a time!

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